Haha, only those who are fans of the show, Friends, would appreciate this. The person who would be motivated enough to end the world hunger is Joey Tribbiani. Now, only if he could improve his vocabulary...
Okay, enough random thoughts... So, I was looking around websites where I could do video blogging. I found a website called BlogTV (www.blogtv.com). I haven't signed up yet, seeing as how I don't have a webcam yet. But it's good to know that when I get to that bridge, I would have at least one website in mind to use. I even typed in "deaf" in the search box and found several blogs. Of course, being non-member, I couldn't view them. Ah, well, I'll sign up next time I go on that website, so I can view blogs and get an idea.
Hmm, I really need to spice up this blog. Eh.
I've seen some deaf Vlogs.. just type google "deaf vlogs" you'll see some links...